The following changes were made to all stockinstore™ instances today to workaround the ongoing Apple iOS Fixed Positioning bug we identified on 5 January 2018  and emailed to all stockinstore™ customers. The bug was NOT fixed in the latest iOS updates.

iOS Specific Changes

  1. Removed fixed positioning on stockinstore™
  2. Locked the website behind the stockinstore widget so you can scroll the stockinstore™ widget
  3. Changed positioning of stockinstore™ widget

Address lookup field changes related to iOS issue

  1. Removed auto detection of address based on IP address
  2. Removed Google address lookup
  3. Selecting the address field will auto clear any previous values
  4. Address lookup is based on Suburb &/or Postcode &/or Country, if entered
  5. Suburb lookup selects the State/Region and Country based on your current location, unless it is specified in the Search field. For example:
    • “Richmond” = Richmond VIC 3121 Australia (located in VIC)
    • “Richmond” = Richmond NSW 2753 (located in NSW)
    • “Richmond TAS” = Richmond TAS 7025, Australia (located in VIC)
    • “3763 Cubitt Street Richmond” = “Cubitt Street Richmond Vic Australia” is returned because 3763 doesn’t exist on that street
  6. Changed Address Search label to “Suburb or Postcode”

Other Minor Updates

  1. If no mobile banner is uploaded all content is moved up and the blank banner image (mobile devices)
  2. Changed distance to store to be 1 decimal place instead of 2