In June 2018, stockinstore® made 4 updates to all clients sites. The release notes for these updates are outlined below.

1. Bug Fixes

  1. Fix Retail Express stock calculation to be more accurate (now subtracts allocated from stock count)
  2. Fix issue with search button disabled
  3. Fix link url prefix in onboarding welcome email (was linking to incorrect site)
  4. Remove “Select All” option from report filters
  5. Fix click event in Report headers so sort doesn’t happen when clicking the menu button

2. Widget Time Format

  1. Provide support for 12/24 hour formats in trading hours. This affects the way the time appears in the stockinstore widget. For example: 13:00 vs 1:00 PM. An option to adjust this has been added to the Settings in the stockinstore admin area.
  2. stockinstore widget shows customers the Last Updated date & time using the browser time instead of UTC format

13 June 2018

Fix to postcode bug where certain postcode values entered into the location search box were not being returned correctly by Google. We now include the search passed to the Google Maps API is “postcode 2000” instead of just “2000”.

20 June 2018

  1. Added Average skus processed per store statistics to monthly accounts report
  2. Suppressed welcome emails when publishing. Onboarding emails will only be sent during the onboarding process.

22 June 2018

  1. Fixed issue with stockinstore button unresponsive after session expired. If a customer leaves the widget open for more than 30 minutes it would stop responding. Now it starts a new session.
  2. Fix clear filter issue within Slickgrid
  3. Trading Hours
    • Widget shows Trading hours in json format
    • Widget shows Public Holidays/Special Occasions
    • Widget shows store Open/Closed status
  4. Crosshairs added to Location input field to autolocate
  5. Update store last updated time to be stored in UTC (was only UPI last Updated Time previously)
  6. Updated stockinstore logo in admin to include ®

29 June 2018

  1. Changed IP address service to IP Stack
  2. Moved IP address logging to when widget is opened instead of previously when the stockinstore button was displayed on the page
  3. The following reports aggregates 5 stores returned in the stockinstore search results. Previously these reports only displayed the results for the 1st store returned in the search results. Next month, the admin area will allow stockinstore customers to adjust how many stores to aggregate.
    1. Demand vs Availability,
    2. Lost Sales and
    3. Marketing Effectiveness